Citation requirement

If you publish research conducted using oTree, you are required by the oTree license to cite this paper.


Chen, D.L., Schonger, M., Wickens, C., 2016. oTree - An open-source platform for laboratory, online and field experiments. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol 9: 88-97

All apps

Excel | CSV

Data for all apps in one file. There is one row per participant; different apps and rounds are stacked horizontally. This format is useful if you want to correlate participants' behavior in one app with their behavior in another app.


These files contain a row for each player in the given app. If there are multiple rounds, there will be multiple rows for the same participant. This format is useful if you are mainly interested in one app, or if you want to correlate data between rounds of the same app.

App Data Documentation
volunteer_dilemma Excel | CSV TXT
bertrand Excel | CSV TXT
common_value_auction Excel | CSV TXT
bargaining Excel | CSV TXT
public_goods Excel | CSV TXT
payment_info Excel | CSV TXT
survey Excel | CSV TXT
dictator Excel | CSV TXT
public_goods_simple Excel | CSV TXT
vickrey_auction Excel | CSV TXT
principal_agent Excel | CSV TXT
quiz Excel | CSV TXT
ultimatum Excel | CSV TXT
cournot Excel | CSV TXT
traveler_dilemma Excel | CSV TXT
matching_pennies Excel | CSV TXT
trust Excel | CSV TXT
guess_two_thirds Excel | CSV TXT
lemon_market Excel | CSV TXT
prisoner Excel | CSV TXT
real_effort Excel | CSV TXT
trust_simple Excel | CSV TXT

Time spent on each page


Chat logs
