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First, every player will be randomly paired with another player. In other words, you will have a counterpart, but you will not be told who it is. Your identity will also remain hidden from your counterpart.

The two participants in a pair will have two different roles: the proposer and the responder. You will be assigned randomly to a role, and it will be displayed on the next page.

The two of you will together receive 100 points. The experiment is about how to divide this amount. The proposer will make the responder a take-it-or-leave-it offer, which the responder can accept or reject. If the offer is rejected, both will receive 0 points.

Proposer's role

The proposer has the following 11 options on how to divide the 100 points between the two players.

  1. 0 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 100 points)
  2. 10 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 90 points)
  3. 20 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 80 points)
  4. 30 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 70 points)
  5. 40 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 60 points)
  6. 50 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 50 points)
  7. 60 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 40 points)
  8. 70 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 30 points)
  9. 80 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 20 points)
  10. 90 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 10 points)
  11. 100 points for the responder (the proposer keeps 0 points)

Responder's role

The responder can either accept or reject the offer.


In the end, when both players have made their decision, a results page will be displayed. Here the offer will be displayed once more, and whether it was accepted or rejected.

Furthermore, one of the following two payoffs will be displayed:
  • If the offer is accepted, the players will receive a payoff accordingly
  • If the offer is rejected, both players will receive 0 points

The instructions will remain on your screen for future reference.

Debug info
Basic info
ID in group 2
Group 1
Round number 1
Participant P2
Participant label
Session code 22x8v9z5